Being a practitioner of the visual arts goes far beyond the popularised image of a reclusive painter. Visual artists of all kinds use their valuable skillsets to strengthen communities, create vibrant urban spaces, and illustrate everything from books to biology.
There is no concrete career path to becoming a visual arts practitioner, but effective self-management, passion for the arts, and dedicated time are essential.
Below is a four step pathway to help guide and connect you on your creative journey.
Public Artwork Legalities
Working with at risk groups
Creating a portfolio
Install + Packing Artwork
Pricing Work
Grant + EOI writing
Diversity + Inclusion
Learn a new media
Internships + Fellowships
Building Your Network
LEarning REsources
Wherever you are on your learning journey we have some resources on setting up an effective learning environment and behaviours. You can find these at our Learning Resources page. Areas include;
Learning Library
Creating a Learning Plan
Studying + Working from Home
Make it Better
The Learning Hub is designed for self-directed learning and development, to assist you in growing your personal and professional skills as you see fit. It is a free and democratic resource that adapts as the creative landscape changes; the sections and links you see are just examples of what is possible.
We invite everyone to build upon this current structure, to make the Learning Hub a state-wide go-to for all artists and arts workers seeking development and for anyone considering a career in the arts. All ideas, feedback or content suggestions are warmly welcomed through the Make It Better contributors portal.